Notice of Public Information Meeting

The Township of Puslinch Committee of Adjustment will hold a virtual public hearing on April 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a proposed minor variance under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.

The application has been submitted requesting relief of Zoning By-Law #23-2018, as amended from the following:

  1. Section 4.22 a. i. to permit outdoor storage within 20m of a lot line abutting a street
  2. 5.1.5 a. ii. to permit loading docks in the front yard
  3. 13.5 a. to permit outdoor storage for short term truck trailer parking
  4. 14.0 number 83 to permit outdoor storage for short term truck trailer parking

For more information about this meeting and application, please view the Public Notice.

D13 – BRO – Notice of Public Hearing


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