Local Roads & Sidewalks

Most of the Township’s local roads are maintained by the Township of Puslinch Public Works Department and some roads are maintained by the County of Wellington. This includes a wide range of maintenance services on the Township’s gravel and hard surface roads, with the goal of providing a safe, efficient, and cost-effective road network for our residents and visitors.

Maintenance services include grading, graveling, applying dust control, sweeping, ditching, brushing, grass cutting, snow plowing and sanding. All road construction work is performed by the Public Works department staff or by area contractors.

Township of Puslinch Roads Management Plan

The Roads Management Plan (RMP) was adopted by Council in 2023 and is a tool in order to maintain and operate the Township’s road network.

Roads Management Plan

The RMP is meant to:

  • Allow the Township to appropriately plan and undertake maintenance on the Township’s road network as well as to plan and prioritize the appropriate capital work.
  • Establish criteria and steps to follow for responding to service requests or service upgrades relating to the Township’s road network (e.g., paving, sidewalks, street lights, changes to speed limits).
  • Identify road rehabilitation needs to assist the Township in developing a realistic annual capital budget to provide an adequate service level.
  • Assist the Township in formalizing an ongoing road maintenance operation and to facilitate proactive planning for future operations, replacements, and upgrades.

Public Feedback

As part of the public consultation process for the Roads Management Plan, residents were able to submit written comments for feedback. Before reporting a road related issue, look to the public consultation comments and feedback to see if your concern has already been addressed.

Winter Road Maintenance

The Public Works department is responsible for winter maintenance of the Township roads. Routine winter maintenance activities carried out by the Public Works department include but are not limited to; snow and ice removal from roadways and parking lots, daily road patrolling, road salt, and sand inventory management. Methods used to provide these services are efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly.

Mailbox Damage Policy

The Township of Puslinch adopted a Mailbox Policy outlining the requirements for mailbox installation along Township maintained roads. This policy clearly defines the Township’s responsibilities regarding winter damage to mailboxes.

Depositing Snow on Roadways

Depositing snow or ice on a roadway is a chargeable offence under Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act.

Township Snow Clearing

Roads are cleared according to classification (generally traffic volume and speed limit determine classification) with asphalt roads being cleared first, followed by gravel roads and local streets. All Township snow removal equipment has a predetermined route it follows when snow clearing is required.

The Public Works department is responsible for clearing all Township roads. The County of Wellington is responsible for clearing all County roads and the Ministry of Transportation is responsible for clearing all provincial highways.

Road ClassificationTime to clear
1The Township does not maintain any Class 1 Roads
2The Township does not maintain any Class 2 Roads  
312 hours, when snow reaches a depth of  8 cm
Roads to be served first by the Township
Ice to be treated within 8 hours
416 hours, when snow reaches a depth of 8 cm  
Roads to be served second by the Township
Ice to be treated within 12 hours
524 hours, when snow reaches a depth of 10 cm   
Roads to be treated third by the Township
Ice to be treated within 16 hours

Township Road Classification

Ann St5Leslie Rd W 4
Back St5MacPherson’s Ln5
Beiber Rd4Main St5
Boreham Dr5Maltby Rd E 4
Boyce Dr5Maple Leaf Ln5
Bridle Path5Mason Dr4
Calfass Rd5Mclean Rd E 3
Carriage Ln5Mclean Rd W 3
Carter Rd5McRae Station Rd4
Cassin Ct5Midway Ln4
Cathrine Ct 5Nicholas Beaver Rd4
Church St 5Niska Rd3
Cockburn St 5Ochs St5
Concession 1 4Old Brock Rd5
Concession 11 4Old Ruby Ln5
Concession 2 3Pioneer Tl4
Concession 4 4Roszell Rd4
Concession 73Settlers Ct5
Cook’s Mill Rd5Sideroad 10 N 4
Currie Dr5 Sideroad 10 S 4
Darkwood Rd4Sideroad 12 N4
Daymond Dr5Sideroad 20 N 4
Deer View RI5Sideroad 20 S 4
Elizabeth Pl5Sideroad 25 N 4
Ellis RD 4Sideroad 25 S 4
Farnham Rd5Small Road 4
Forestell Rd (CTY 35 TO Roszell) 4Smith Rd4
Fox Run Dr5Tawse Place 5
Gilmour Rd4Telfer Glen St5
Gore Rd (Lennon to 35)4Travelled Rd 5
Gore Rd (Cooper to Village Rd)4Victoria Rd S 3
Hammersley Rd5Victoria St 5
Hume Rd4Waston Rd S 3
Kerr Cr4Winer Cr4
Laing Ct5Winer Rd 4
Laird Rd W 4

Road Maintenance and Information

Sidewalk Maintenance

Private property owners are responsible for:

  • Maintaining all pedestrian and vehicular accesses located behind the municipal curb or behind the municipal curb and sidewalk.
  • Repairing any trip hazards between the back of the curb (if no municipal sidewalk has been constructed) and private accesses.

Pothole Maintenance

Section 6 of O. Reg. 239/02: Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways sets out the standard time set out to repair a pothole in a Township road.

This regulation sets out guidelines for potholes on paved and non-paved roads explaining when maintenance is required, whose responsibility it is to perform the pothole maintenance and the length of time pothole repair must take place in.

Potholes on Paved Surface on Roadway

Class of HighwaySurface AreaDepthTime
1600 cm^28 cm4 days
2800 cm^28 cm4 days
31000 cm^28 cm7 days
41000 cm^28 cm14 days
51000 cm^28 cm30 days

O. Reg. 239/02, s.6, Table 1.

Potholes on Non-Paved Surface of Roadway

Class of HighwaySurface AreaDepthTime
31500 cm^28 cm7 days
41500 cm^210 cm14 days
51500 cm^212 cm30 days

O. Reg. 239/02, s.6, Table 1.


The Township will assume no liability with respect to damaged items that are placed or installed on the municipal right-of-way.

Roundabout Information

Wellington County has constructed roundabouts at a number of locations throughout their network and has plans to upgrade other intersections in the future. These circular intersections improve road safety and help improve air quality by eliminating unnecessary stops and idling. 

You can find more information about the new roundabouts on the Wellington County website.

Report a Problem through Report It

Report issues to the Township of Puslinch to help us keep our community safe and active.

Report Issue with Township Roads

Use the form below to report the following types of road issues of Township Roads:

  • Roads that require cleaning or repair (e.g. potholes)
  • Traffic signs that are removed, destroyed or illegible
  • Snow clearing (e.g. missed street)
  • Dust suppression
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Report Tree Issues

Use the form below to request an inspection and possible removal of a Township-owned Tree.

Tree Damage after a storm

To report fallen trees or large limbs creating obstructions to roadways/sidewalks and/or causing immediate hazard please call OPP at 1 888 310-1122.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Report Dead Animal on Township Property or Road

Removal of dead animals from roadways is the responsibility of the area in which the road is located.

To report a dead animal on a County Road, you can notify the County of Wellington at (519) 837 – 2601.

To report a dead animal on a Provincial Highway, you can notify the Ministry of Transportation at 1-800-265-6072.

Use the form below to report a dead deer and coyotes on Township property or Roads. This will notify the Roads department.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Report Street Light Issue

If you see a burnt-out streetlight or a streetlight that is in need of repair in the Township, please report it below. Ensure you record the pole number, house number, and/or a description of which light needs to be serviced so that we can begin the repair process as quickly as possible. Ensuring our community remains as safe and well-lit as possible is a priority. 

Township Roads Regulatory By-laws

Parking on Township Roads

Parking on Township roads is not permitted:

  • in areas where signage is posted;
  • between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., November 1 to March 31; and
  • in areas where a parked car may interfere with snow clearing.

The Township approved amendments to the schedules of the Parking By-Law to help ensure safety within our community. You can find more information regarding the amendments by viewing the sheets below.

For Parking By-law complaints outside of business hours, please contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1(888) 310-1122.

Heavy Vehicles

The Township prohibits the use of heavy vehicles on some Township roads. By-law 063-2021 has more information regarding prohibitions and exemptions regarding heavy vehicles on Township roads.

Road Activity

The Township has enacted a by-law to regulate activity on Township roads. View By-law 2023-058 for more information regarding prohibitions, exemptions and haul route permit requirements on Township roads.

Disclaimer: The Township of Puslinch provides the information contained on this webpage with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete, and conclusions drawn or decisions made from such information are the responsibility of the user.

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