Notice of Street Name Change from Swastika Trail to Holly Trail
TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the Municipal Street Naming Policy 2022-006, notice is being provided to all property owners on the street proposed to be renamed. The purpose and effect of this notice is to notify affected property owners and to seek feedback. This notice includes:
- The general description of the purpose of the proposed by-law;
- The relevant section of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, being Section 48, which provides that a local municipality may name or change the name of a private road after giving public notice of its intention to pass the by‐law;
- The date and time and location of the meeting;
- The particulars of the subject lands including the legal description and key map;
- The details for submitting written comments on the proposed renaming of the street and the deadline for receiving such comment; and
- Details on how to register to verbally delegate to Council at the meeting and the deadline to register as a delegate.
AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Puslinch is considering the passing of the street renaming by-law to rename Swastika Trail to Holly Trail at its regular Council Meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 10:00 am., which may be heldeither by electronic participation via Zoom or in-person in the Puslinch Community Centre at 23 Brock Rd N in Puslinch, as determined by Council in advance. Attendees can register for the meeting through the Township’s website Registering for the meeting does not constitute registering to delegate to Council on the matter.
WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS may be made by the public by email to or by mail to 7404 Wellington Road 34, Puslinch, ON, N0B 2J0. Written comments will be received no later than Tuesday, October 18, 2022 by 10 a.m. to be included for Council’s consideration at the Council Meeting.
VERBAL SUBMISSIONS – All persons must register to delegate no later than Tuesday, October 18, 2022 by 10 a.m. Delegate requests can be submitted online at
THE SUBJECT STREET is municipally known as Swastika Trail and is described as follows:
- Swastika Trail, Plan 395, and Swastika Trail, Plan 400, each being Part of PIN 71207-0380 (LT), Township of Puslinch; and
- Swastika Trail, Plan 398, being all of PIN 71207-0274 (LT), Township of Puslinch
The subject street is shown on the inset map. In accordance with the Municipal Street Naming Policy and the Township Notice By-law 60/08, all property owners on the subject street are being notified of the street renaming application.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding the proposed street renaming will be made available on October 12, 2022 on the Township’s website

Dated at the Township of Puslinch on this 30th day of September, 2022
Courtenay Hoytfox
Municipal Clerk
Township of Puslinch
Phone (519) 763-1226