The Township of Puslinch is surrounded by many natural sources of fresh water. Ensuring its safety and conservation is particularly important to our residents and businesses.
Water Safety and Testing
Water Conservation and Protection
Water and Sewage Servicing
Water Safety and Testing
It’s important to make sure that your well water is safe for drinking. To do this, it is recommended that you test your private water supply regularly – at least three times per year – for nitrate and bacterial contamination. Drinking water should also be tested if:
- You notice a change in your water quality.
- People using the water suffer from an illness which may be waterborne
- There is a flood or large storm that may have carried contaminants to your wellhead
- Maintenance work has been done on the well
- A pregnant woman, a woman anticipating pregnancy, or an infant under the age of six months becomes a user of that water source
Water test bottles are available at the Municipal Office if you wish to take a sample. Samples can be dropped off for testing at the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit:
160 Chancellors Way
Guelph, Ontario
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – noon
Water samples are delivered by courier from the health unit offices to the London Regional Laboratory for testing. All results will be mailed back to you (the sampler). Results may also be obtained by recording the personal identification numbers on the water bottles and calling 1-877-723-3426, 72 hours after dropping off the samples at your local health unit.
The Township of Puslinch tests common water sources regularly. The most recent Water Reports are available below:
Water Conservation and Protection
The Township of Puslinch and the Government of Ontario use a number of resources and initiatives to courage water conservation.
Conservation Authorities
Conservation Ontario consists of a network of Conservation Authorities. These Conservation Authorities are community-based watershed management agencies that are committed to conserving, restoring, and managing Ontario’s natural resources on a watershed basis.
Conservation Authorities are non-profit organizations, each with their own Board of Directors with members appointed by local municipalities. Conservation Authorities are legislated by the Conservation Authorities Act.
For more information on nearby Conservative Authorities, visit the Grand River Conservation Authority, Halton Conservation Authority, and Hamilton Conservation Authority.
Groundwater Level Monitoring (Mill Creek)
Harden Environmental has maintained a groundwater level monitoring program in Puslinch Township since 1998. The program commenced in 1989. You can visit this website for more information about historical groundwater elevations throughout the Township.
Permits to take water
Businesses and organizations that take over 50,000 liters of water per day from any natural source are required to obtain a permit. The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change maintains a record of all of the Permits to Take Water in the Township of Puslinch.
Wellington Source Water Protection
The County of Wellington has a number of initiatives in place to ensure that the sources of drinking water – both in the Township of Puslinch and beyond – remain safe and protected. Learn more about Wellington Source Water Protection.
Learn more about Wellington Source Water Protection:
Best Practices for Source Water Protection
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has established a best practices for source water protection. Learn more about how to manage risks and identify actions to protect your drinking water source by viewing the best practices.
Water and Sewage Servicing
Feasibility Study for Municipal Water and Sewage Servicing
The Township of Puslinch is developing a long-term vision for Puslinch Municipal Water and Wastewater Services. This project is ongoing, and feedback from the public is welcome. Read about upcoming meetings and project updates.
Private Well Interference Complaints Protocol
The Township of Puslinch and BlueTriton has entered into a Private Well Interference Complaints Protocol Agreement which outlines the criteria and procedure for addressing complaints that may be raised by private well owners about their wells being affected by BlueTriton. View a complete copy of the Private Well Interference Complaints Protocol Agreement.