Demolition Clearance Form for Properties with Listed Heritage Status
Demolition or Removal of Designated Heritage Properties
As per section 34(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.0. 1990, no owner of property designated on the Municipal Heritage Register shall do either of the following, unless the owner applies to the council of the municipality in which the property is situate and receives consent in writing to the demolition or removal:
1. Demolish or remove, or permit the demolition or removal of, any of the property’s heritage attributes, as set out in the description of the property’s heritage attributes in the by-law that was required to be registered under clause 29 (12) (b) or subsection 29 (19), as the case may be.
2. Demolish or remove a building or structure on the property or permit the demolition or removal of a building or structure on the property, whether or not the demolition or removal would affect the property’s heritage attributes, as set out in the description of the property’s heritage attributes in the by-law that was required to be registered under clause 29 (12) (b) or subsection 29 (19), as the case may be.
Demolition or Removal of Listed (Non-designated) Heritage Properties
As per section 27(9) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, if a property that has been listed on the Municipal Heritage Register, the owner of the property shall not demolish or remove a building or structure on the property or permit the demolition or removal of the building or structure unless the owner gives the council of the municipality at least 60 days notice in writing of the owner’s intention to demolish or remove the building or structure or to permit the demolition or removal of the building or structure.
If your demolishing a building or portion of a building that is designated or listed on the Township’s Heritage Registry please complete the form below.
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used to determine the eligibility of a permit. The information is used for the purpose of processing this application and is maintained in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions regarding the collection of this information may be directed to the Township Clerk’s office.