Haul Route Permit

A Haul Route Permit is required prior to receiving a Site Alteration Permit. No Person shall undertake, or permit to be undertaken, the movement of Fill in connection with any activity regulated by the most current Site Alteration By-law using any Township Highway, without a Haul Route Permit.

Please read By-law 058-2023, Road Activity By-law for more information.

Example 23-01-000-000-00000-0000
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Complaint Protocol Contact

The Applicant shall provide the Township with a 24/7 accessible phone number where Township staff can directly reach the Applicant to address any Highway activity concerns.

Application Requirements

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The Applicant shall maintain liability insurance in the minimum amount of $5,000,000, naming the Township as an additional insured. Such policy shall include a cross-liability provision and 30 days’ written notice to the Township prior to cancellation.

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In accordance with Section 18(b.) of the Road Activity By-law Highway activity associated with a Haul Route Permit shall only occur during the hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday excluding weekends and statutory holidays.


I understand that the property owner is applicable of all fees.

I understand that, the Permit Holder shall comply with all Applicable Laws.

I understand that, highway activity associated with a Hall Route permit shall only occurring during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday excluding weekends and statutory holidays.

I understand that, the approved Haul Route shall at all times be maintained by the Permit Holder in a dust/silt/mud/rock free condition, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.

I understand that, the Permit Holder shall ensure that a street-sweeper or equivalent is utilized on a daily basis to clean the Haul Route of any tracked debris and shall regularly monitor for any larger foreign objects. The Permit Holder shall be required to maintain the Haul Route in a good state of repair, free from ruts/potholes, etc., to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for the cost associated to undertake such repairs/maintenance as the Director of Public Works may direct, within such time frame as the Township may specify, acting reasonably.

I understand that, the Applicant shall provide the Township with a 24/7 accessible phone number where Township staff can directly reach the Applicant to address any Highway activity concerns. I understand that The Applicant shall provide the Township with securities in the amount to be determined by the Director of Public Works, in the form of cash or an irrevocable Letter of Credit on terms satisfactory to the Township.
Clear Signature