Public Notice

Council Vacancy Filled

Congratulations to Sara Bailey on her recent appointment to Puslinch Council. A sincere thank you goes out to all those who applied. 

Township announces Glenn Schwendinger as new Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk

Following a province wide search, Puslinch Council unanimously appointed Mr. Glenn Schwendinger as its new Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Mr Schwendinger has a wealth of rural municipal experience having spent nearly twenty years in the sector. He began his municipal career as the Manager of…

A thank you to Ken Roth for his years of service

Ken Roth has resigned from his position as Township Councillor due to personal reasons. We would like to thank Ken for his years of service as a Councillor. Ken was first elected to Council in 2010 and was serving in his 3rd term as…

Federal Election Poll Worker Positions still available

There are a variety of positions still required for the Puslinch and Rockwood area on Monday October 21, 2019. You can apply online Find out more information for these positions

Employment Opportunity – WINTER CONTROL EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Seasonal) 3 Positions

The Corporation of the Township of Puslinch requires three (Seasonal) WINTER CONTROL EQUIPMENT OPERATORS in the Public Works Department.  Please see full job description here, or see the attached job description below. All resumes can be emailed to

Notice of Public Meeting – D14/FAR

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the Township of Puslinch will hold a public meeting to present the received public input regarding proposed amendments to the County of Wellington Official Plan (File No. OP 2016-10) and the Township…

RFQ 2019-001 – Installation and Fabrication of Township Signage

Request for Quote Request for Quote No. 2019-001 Installation and Fabrication of Township Signage ISSUE DATE:  September 24, 2019  Closing location: Township of Puslinch7404 Wellington Rd 34Puslinch, Ontario N0B 2J0 Attention: Mary Hasan, Director of Finance/Treasurer Closing date and time: October 10, 2019  Three…

Fuel spill aerial photo

Fuel Spill Update

The ministry would like to provide an update of the remediation efforts that have taken place as a result of the January 13, 2019 jet fuel spill. As many of you are aware, for clean-up purposes the area impacted by the spill was separated…

Notice of Public Meeting – Proposed 2020 User Fees and Charges By-Law

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Proposed 2020 User Fees and Charges By-Law You are invited to attend a Public Information Meeting on Thursday September 12, 2019 as the Township of Puslinch is seeking your input and comments on…

Notice of Passing of Township-Wide Development Charges By-Law

Please see the attached notice and by-law regarding Township development charges. Please note that the new rates do not take effect until September 3, 2019.


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