Site Alteration Permit Application and Process
The Township’s Site Alteration By-law 2023-057 provides a clear regulatory framework for the importation, removal of fill and/or the alteration of grading of land within the Township of Puslinch. For more information regarding common site alteration activities view the FAQ below.

Apply for a Site Alteration Permit Application
To assist applicants in determining which Site Alteration Permit to apply for staff have developed a Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form.
Following completion of this form staff will advise which application type the project falls under and the required application and supporting documents to be submitted.
Please note that prior to applying for a Site Alteration Permit, a Haul Route Permit is required.
Prior to submitting for a Site Alteration Permit please review the Township’s Site Alteration By-law to ensure a fulsome understanding of the requirements.
Site Alteration FAQ
Do I require a Site Alteration Permit?
If you are placing, moving, importing or removing fill on your property that will alter the grading of the land you will need to complete a Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form.
Staff aim to review and provide a response to all applicants within 10 business days.
The Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form must be completed for all importation of fill onto Agricultural Land. Please see the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Factsheet regarding the Importation of Soil onto Agricultural Land. This resource if for informational purposes only and is not a comprehensive statement of the obligations related to the importation of soil. Retain a qualified professional to assist with your application for importing fill.
What is Fill?
“Fill” means any type of material that can be removed from (cut) or placed on (in-fill)
land and may include, but is not limited to Soil, Excess Soil, Liquid Soil, Rock, Sod,
Compost, Aggregate and Topsoil.
What is exempt from a Site Alteration Permit?
A list of exemptions for Site Alteration Permits for can be found in Section 4:
4.1 (a) Notwithstanding Section 3 of this By-law, this By-law does not apply to:
- (i) Activities or matters undertaken by the Township, the County of Wellington, a Conservation Authority, the provincial government, or the federal government;
- (ii) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land imposed after December 31, 2002, as a condition to the approval of a site plan, a plan of subdivision or consent under section 41, 51 or 53, respectively, of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended (“Planning Act”) or as a requirement of a site plan agreement or subdivision agreement entered into under those sections;
- (iii) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land imposed after December 31, 2002, as a condition to a development permit authorized by regulation made under section 70.2 of the Planning Act or as a requirement of an agreement entered into under that regulation;
- (iv) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land undertaken by a transmitter or distributor, as those terms are defined in section 2 of the Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. A, as amended, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a transmission system or a distribution system, as those terms are defined in that section;
- (v) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land undertaken on land described in a licence for a pit or quarry or a permit for a wayside pit or wayside quarry issued under the Aggregate Resources Act;
- (vi) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land undertaken on land in order to lawfully establish and operate or enlarge any pit or quarry on land;
- i. That has not been designated under the Aggregate Resources Act or a predecessor of that Act, and
- ii. On which a pit or quarry is a permitted land use under a by-law passed under section 34 of the Planning Act;
- (vii) The placing or Dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the Grade of land undertaken as an incidental part of drain construction under the Drainage Act or the Tile Drainage Act;
- (viii) The removal of Topsoil as an incidental part of a normal Agricultural practice including such removal as an incidental part of sod-farming, greenhouse operations and nurseries for horticultural products except for the removal of Topsoil for sale, exchange, or other disposition;
- (ix) The use, operation, establishment, alteration, enlargement, or extension of a Waste Management System or Waste Disposal Site within the meaning of Part V of the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.19, as amended;
- (x) The construction, extension, alteration, maintenance, or operation of works under Section 26 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.50, as amended;
- (i) A Site Alteration where another legal instrument of the Township, such as a Planning approval, a building permit, a pool permit, or legal agreement with the Township includes a provision specifically waiving the requirement for a Permit, including:
- i. A grading plan or site plan, approved by the Chief Building Official, associated with the construction of a building, accessory structure, addition and/or pool;
- ii. Any Filling of an excavation to the elevation of Existing Grade following the demolition or removal of a Building for which a demolition permit has been issued by the Chief Building Official of the Township, or for which no demolition permit is required under the Building Code Act, R.S.O. 1992, c. 23;
- (ii) The Site Alteration of land does not exceed a cumulative volume of 20 cubic metres (2 Truckloads) on any one property within a 12-month period and provided that the alteration does not meet the definition of Minor Site Alteration and provided that it meets all other provisions of this By-law and may include the following activities:
- iii. placing of Topsoil on gardens, lawns or other grassed areas;
- iv. cultivation or tilling of garden beds;
- v. excavation of Fill having no significant impact on trees, ground cover, Vegetation, watercourses, or stormwater swales and not altering or creating a slope at greater than 8%;
- vi. minor landscaping works which are at least 0.3 metres from any property line and do not impact Drainage patterns or cause or may cause an Adverse Effect on neighbouring properties; and
- vii. minor grading or regrading or paving of legal and approved parking areas or driveways which are at least 0.3 metres from any property line and do not impact Drainage patterns or cause or may cause an Adverse Effect on neighbouring properties.
How many different types of Site Alteration Permits does the Township have?
The Township issues 5 types of Site Alteration Permits – Minor, Intermediate, Large, Major and Normal Farm Practice Waiver.
More information is available in the Site Alteration By-law.
Please review the Site Alteration By-law for a complete list of permit and related fees.
I am building or enhancing a pond on my property, do I need a Site Alteration Permit?
Yes, the construction or enhancement of a pond involves alteration to the grading of the land on your property, and depending on the amount of fill you import, export or move around on your property you will require either a Site Alteration Permit.
You may also require further permits from the applicable conservation authority, the County of Wellington for tree removal, or the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO). A Haul Route Permit is also required.
Can I fill out a Site Alteration Permit Application on behalf of someone else?
Yes, a contractor or other agent is allowed to complete the relevant Site Alteration Permit Application on behalf of the property owner. You will be required to complete and upload the Site Alteration Permit Owner Authorization Form as part of the application process.
Building and Demolition
Do I need a Site Alteration permit to install a pool, raised garden bed, septic system or other small project?
These projects are generally exempt and do not require a Site Alteration Permit, provided all Exemption Requirements listed in Section 4 of the By-law are met.
It should be noted that other permits (i.e. Building Permits, or a Pool Enclosure Permit) may be required.
If you are unsure if your project is exempt from a Site Alteration Permit you may complete a Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form.
Do I need a Site Alteration Permit to restore the elevation to existing grade following the demolition of a structure?
No, provided you have obtained a Demolition Permit.
Do I need a Site Alteration Permit if I already have a Building Permit for the building of a structure and a lot grading plan?
No, as long as the placing or dumping of fill conforms with the provisions of the Site Alteration By-law and a Building Permit is obtained and work is being done within the vicinity of the Building Permit.
Do I need a Site Alteration Permit for a driveway?
Staff recommend that a Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form be completed for all driveway projects to determine if they may be exempt from the Site Alteration By-law. A driveway requiring less than 20 cubic metres will be exempt from a Site Alteration Permit, however an entrance permit is still required for all entrances on Township roads. For more information regarding Entrance Permits please visit the Township’s Planning and Development Page.
Permits and Expiry
Can an agent or contractor apply for a Site Alteration Permit on a property owners behalf?
How long will it take my Site Alteration Assessment Inquiry Form to be reviewed?
The Township aims to review and provide a response to all applications within 10 business days.
Staff will then provide the applicant with further information regarding what type of Permit is required for their project.
What information is required to be submitted as part of my Site Alteration Permit Application?
Following the submission of the Site Alteration Assessment Form staff will advise applicants of the applicable Site Alteration Application to be completed and a list of the required documents that must be submitted in order for the application be deemed complete.
Please note a Haul Route Permit is a requirement of all Site Alteration Permits that involve the importation of fill.
For more information on the types of Site Alteration Permit, please read the Site Alteration By-law.
How long will it take my Site Alteration Permit application to be reviewed?
The Township aims to review and provide an initial response applicants within 15 business days.
Once issued, how long is my Site Alteration Permit valid?
Site Alteration Permits are issued for a period of one year and expires on the date set out in the permit unless otherwise specified as a condition of the Permit.
Can I renew my Site Alteration Permit before it expires?
An Applicant or Owner may submit a request to the Designated Official for a renewal
of a Permit if the only change from the initial Application and Conditions is the timeline
and expiry date.
All permit renewals are subject to review and approval including any required fees. The Permit Renewal Fee is 50% of the original application fee.
Contact By-law Department
Any further questions can be directed to the By-law Department.
By-law Online Complaint Form
All by-law complaints must be submitted through the by-law complaint form available on the Forms and Payments page.