
The by-laws posted on the Township of Puslinch website are for reference purposes only. To obtain a copy of a by-law, email the Township Clerk’s Office or call 519-763-1226 x103.

To determine permitted uses and zoning on specific properties, contact the Planning and Development Department or visit the Zoning page.

By-law enforcement and filing a complaint

The Township’s by-laws are enforced on a written complaint basis; telephone calls will not be accepted. Prior to submitting a by-law complaint please review the Township’s By-law Complaint Policy. The by-law complaint form must include your name, address and telephone number, or other contact information.

Failure to provide this required information will render the complaint incomplete and it will not be investigated. Your name will not be divulged unless your testimony is required in court. Should the Township find a complaint to have been filed for a malicious or vexatious reason, or as part of an ongoing pattern of harassment, the Township may cease the investigation and close the file.

Parking and Noise By-law Complaints

For Parking and Noise By-law complaints outside of business hours, please contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1(888) 310-1122

Animal Control Enforcement

The Cambridge and District Humane Society (CDHS) has been providing animal control services for residents in the Township of Puslinch since 2019.

Puslinch Residents can call CDHS at (519) 623-6323, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including statutory holidays for the following animal control services:

  • To report dogs at large
  • To report injured dogs
  • To report injured cats
  • To report aggressive dogs
  • To report deceased domestic pets
  • To report injured wildlife
  • To report Exotic Animals

Township of Puslinch By-laws

By-LawBy-Law NumberSummary
Accident Scene Solicitation 5245-11 A by-law to prohibit accident scene solicitation within the County of Wellington. Contact the County of Wellington for inquiries at (519) 837-2600.
Budget033/25A by-law to adopt the budget for the Township of Puslinch.
Building 057-2018 A by-law respecting Building, Demolition, Conditional, Change of Use and Occupancy Permits, Payment of Fees, Inspections, Appointment of Inspectors and Code of Conduct which repeals By-law number 42/05.
Cash-in-lieu of parkland 06/18 Being a by-law to require the conveyance of land or payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland for public park or other public recreational purposes
Expense Policy 16/12 A by-law to adopt the various policies of the Township of Puslinch.
Development Charges 053/24A by-law to establish development charges for the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch.
Entrance Permit032/20A by-law to regulate the installation of entrance ways over the Puslinch Township Road System.
Exotic Animals 15/82  A by-law to control and regulate the keeping of certain animals and class within the Township of Puslinch.
Fireworks 039/14 A by-law to prohibit and regulate the sale, storage, display, and setting-off of fireworks and to repeal By-law 20/2003.
Forest Conservation 5115/09 A by-law respecting the conservation and sustainable use of woodlands and to repeal By-law number 5090-09. Contact the County of Wellington for inquiries at (519) 837 -2600.
Fortification 54/12 A by-law to regulate the fortification of land and protective elements applied to land and to prohibit excessive fortification of land and excessive protective elements being applied to land within the Township of Puslinch.
Heavy Vehicles63/21A by-law to prohibit heavy vehicles on municipal highways and to repeal By-law36/13.
Heritage Permit046/24A by-law to establish a Heritage Permit Process and a by-law to delegate the power to grant Heritage Permits for the alteration of designated heritage properties.
Kennel and Dog Licensing24/21A by-law to control, licence, register and regulate Dogs and Kennels within the Township of Puslinch and to repeal By-law 8/99 and 33/05.
Noise6001-24 A by-law to regulate, prohibit and otherwise control noise in the Township of Puslinch and to repeal by-law 5001-05.
Open Air Burning (Consolidated)45/14 A by-law to regulate the setting of open air fire and to repeal By-law 54-2007, as amended. Apply for an open air burning, or fire permit here.
Parking 6000-23 A by-law to regulate the parking or stopping of vehicles on highways, public parking lots and private property within the Township of Puslinch and to repeal By-law 5000-05.
Procedural By-Law (Consolidated)46/22 Being a By-Law to establish the Procedure for Meetings of Council and Committees and to repeal By-Law No. 59/08, as amended.
Property Standards10/20 A by-law to provide for the maintenance of the physical condition and occupancy of property in the Township of Puslinch.
Property Tax040/24A by-law to provide for the levy and collection of property taxes for the 2024 taxation year.
Publicized Displays08/22A by-law to prohibit and regulate publicized displays that occur on private property in the Township of Puslinch and prohibit the same that create nuisance impacts.
Reduced Load 25/04 Being a by-law to designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies.
Council, Committees and Other Appointments – Compensation, Benefits and Expense Policy 072/24A by-law to adopt the Council, Committees and Other Appointments – Compensation, Benefits and Expense Policy.
Remuneration: Staff 076/24A by-law to establish the rates of remuneration for Staff of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch.
Road Activity 058/23A by-law to regulate Road Activity.
Sign062/24A by-law regulate the Installation, display, alteration, repair, maintenance and removal of signs within the Township of Puslinch and a By-law to repeal By-laws 9/91, 49/14, 21/18 and 021-2022
Site Alteration057/23   A by-law to prohibit and regulate the alteration of property and movement of fill within the Township of Puslinch (Site Alteration By-law) and a By-law to repeal By-laws 2012-31, 2015-11, 2015-45, 2015-49, 2021-01, and 2021-20.
Site Plan Control 27/22 A by-law to establish a Site Plan Control Area, to define classes of development and to delegate Council Authority pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P13, as amended, and to repeal By-law 2019-029.
Smoking 59/12 A by-law to regulate smoking in public places and workplaces in the Township of Puslinch.
Speed Limit 60/15 A by-law authorizing speed limits in the Township of Puslinch
Swimming Pool Enclosures (Consolidated)18/18 A by-law to regulate enclosures for outdoor swimming pools, as amended
User Fees and Charges 67/24A by-law to permit the Municipality to impose fees or charges with respect to services or activities provided, related costs payable, and for the use of its property
Zoning 23/18 A by-law to prohibit the use of land and the erection and use of buildings or structures except for certain purposes, and to regulate the type of construction and the height, bulk, location, size, floor area, density, character, and use of buildings or structures.