Puslinch Economic Development Programs

The Township of Puslinch’s Economic Development Programs seek to attract and retain businesses to contribute to the growth and stability of the local economy. The Township aims to support its local businesses and increase awareness of local businesses through its Economic Development Programs.

All Puslinch Economic Development Programs are provided at no cost to businesses to participate.

Puslinch economic development programs include:

NEW! Puslinch Community Showcase

The Township is holding its first Puslinch Community Showcase on Saturday October 5th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Puslinch Community Centre Complex.

Vendor registration has closed.

NEW! Community Guide and Business Directory

The Puslinch Community Guide and Business Directory is a one stop shop for all things Puslinch and is available to business owners to participate at no cost.

The 2024 Guide was mailed to all Puslinch residents in May 2024. This Guide will be updated annually to include the most up to date information as possible. At the time of publication, all information is correct to the best of the Township’s knowledge. It is always best to call, email or visit the website of a business for the most up-to-date information.

To be included in the 2025 Guide, please complete the form:

NEW! Puslinch Profile Features

The Puslinch Profile Feature has begun! All Puslinch Profile Features will placed as advertisements in the Puslinch Pioneer, shared on the Township’s social media platforms, included in all Council Agenda packages and are shared below. There is no cost to the business owner to participate in this program.

Community Improvement Plan

The Township’s Community Improvement Plan allows the Township to provide financial incentives to businesses and land owners to help with physical improvements to private property and to assist more broadly with local economic development within the Community Improvement Plan Area.

Township of Puslinch Our Corridor Community Improvement Plan

Township of Puslinch Community Improvement Plan Boundaries

Community Partners and Resources

On September 14, 2023 the Township of Puslinch held an Economic Development Open house where it’s Community Partners made presentations regarding their programs and services that support economic development within the Township. A video of the presentations is available here.

County of Wellington Economic Development

The County of Wellington’s Economic Development Team is available to support Puslinch businesses by connecting them with the supports they need whether its financing, business mentorship or market analysis to help their business prosper. Learn more at Wellington.ca.

Business Centre Guelph-Wellington

The Business Centre Guelph-Wellington offers business advisory services, business development programs, and more. Learn more at GuelphBusiness.com.

Innovation Guelph

Innovation Guelph offers mentorship and business support programs and services to help innovative enterprises start, grow and thrive. Learn more at InnovationGuelph.ca.

Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures

Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures offers business financing (for startups, small business expansion, and community projects) and free business consultations. Learn more at WWCF.ca.


Prepr has a program for Puslinch businesses beginning in November 2023 and for job seekers beginning in 2024. Learn more about Prepr at Prepr.org.

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