Planning and Development

The County of Wellington and Township of Puslinch are the approval authority for the following development applications:

County of Wellington:

The County of Wellington is the application authority for the following development applications:

  • County of Wellington Official Plan Amendments
  • Local Official Plan Amendments
  • Subdivisions (Township Council is the final approval authority for Subdivision Agreements)
  • Condominiums (Township Council is the final approval authority for Condominium Agreements)
  • Consent to Sever

Visit the County of Wellington to learn more about the development applications they oversee.

Township of Puslinch:

The Township of Puslinch is the approval authority for the following planning and development applications:

New: All Planning Applications to be submitted through CloudPermit

The Township of Puslinch is now accepting submissions for all planning act applications through our online platform, CloudPermit. This includes submissions for Pre-consultation meetings, zoning by-law amendments, minor variances and site plan control applications. Features of this new system include:

  • Apply for and see the status of your application anywhere, at any time
  • Ability to start an application and finish it later
  • Receive email updates on the status of the application
  • A record of documents will be retained under applicant’s online profile for future reference

Prior to beginning the planning application process, it is recommended to review the application guidelines for new users. If further assistance is required please log into your CloudPermit account, click “support” found at the top right of the page, and submit a ticket.

To submit a digital application please create an account and sign into CloudPermit. For first time users, please follow the guides below for assistance:

How to Create a CloudPermit Account

To get started with CloudPermit, the first step is to create an account. Please note that an email address is needed to use the system.

  1. Go to the CloudPermit site.
  2. Click on “CREATE NOW” found under the Register for an account column.
  3. Provide your email address and CloudPermit will send an email to the address you provided.
  4. Open the email and complete the registration process.

Note: This email is only valid for 24 hours.

The next time you visit the site, login using the email and password you created.

How to Start an Application

  1. Click on Create a New Application in your Dashboard.
  2. Select Province and Municipality from the drop-down menus in Location for the application section.
  3. Select the type of application, Planning Approval and click Create Application.
  4. Select the category of the application.
  5. Under initialization of application, select if you are the applicant or agent.
  6. Give a name for your application that includes the property address and type of application. For example, “123 Walnut Street Minor Variance”, and click Next.
  7. Enter the property’s address or a roll number to find your property. You can also click and drag with a mouse on the interactive map with GIS to search for the property on the map.
  8. Click Finish & Create.

Resources that may help during this step:

How to Sign-off on the Application

The Agent Authorization Form, if applicable, is to be filled out and signed by the registered owner of the subject lands. This document must be downloaded, printed, signed, and uploaded onto CloudPermit.

The Statutory Declaration Form must be filled out and signed either by the authorized agent, if applicable, or the registered owner of the subject lands under the witness of a Commissioner of Oaths. This document must be downloaded, printed, signed, and uploaded onto cloud permit. If you require a qualified individual to witness the signature(s), please contact the Municipal Office to schedule an appointment.

How to Submit Payment

Please note that payment will not be accepted until the application has been deemed complete by the Township with the exception of pre-consultation requests where payment can be made at the time of submission.

Payment for planning applications can be made digitally within CloudPermit or by visiting the Municipal Office (cash, credit, debit and cheque are accepted).

If submitting the cheque by mail or through the drop box located at the municipal office, please use a sealed envelope clearly labelled with the application file number, the property address, and your name to avoid processing delays.

For a list of active planning files in the Township, visit the Active Planning and Development Applications page.

Apply on CloudPermit for:

Planning Pre-Consultation Meeting

What is the Pre-Consultation Process ?

Pre-consultation is a process where planning and development applicants consult with Township staff, external consultants and applicable agencies before submitting a formal planning application.

This process provides applicants an opportunity to identify application requirements and ask questions in advance of submitting a formal application. Prior to submitting a pre-consultation request, please review the Pre-Consultation Planning & Development Guide.

There are two pre-consultation opportunities for applicants

Preliminary Planning Consultation

Preliminary Planning Consultations provide a high-level review of a planning proposal from a policy perspective. Staff will conduct a desktop review of the materials and offer policy feedback. If the applicant proceeds to the Comprehensive Development Consultation, the Preliminary Planning Consultation fee will be credited toward it.

Comprehensive Development Consultation

Comprehensive Development Consultations allow applicants to have their proposal reviewed by Township staff, consultants, and relevant agencies to identify application requirements. If the applicant proceeds with a formal Planning Act Application, the consultation fee will be credited toward the application.

Comprehensive Development Consultation Schedule

Comprehensive Development Consultation meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For submissions deadlines view the Comprehensive Development Consultation Schedule. Submissions received after the deadline will be moved to the following month.

Application Fee

Application fees are listed in the User Fees and Charges By-law on the By-laws page.

(subject to third party cost recovery).

For multi-lot creations, please contact the County of Wellington prior to submitting a Pre-consultation application.

Zoning By-law Amendments

Please note that before applying for a Zoning By-law Amendment Application, applicant’s must apply for a Pre-Consultation Meeting through CloudPermit.

What is the Zoning By-law?

The Township of Puslinch zoning by-law governs the way land in the Township is used in the following ways:

  • How land may be used;
  • Where buildings and other structures can be located;
  • The types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used;
  • The lot size and dimensions, lot coverage, building height, and setbacks; and
  • Shoreline buffer areas, landscaping areas, planting strips, parking requirements.

What is a Zoning By-law Amendment?

If a proposed use is not permitted in the zone for a property, or if the standards of that zone can’t be met by a proposed development, an application for a zoning by-law amendment may be needed to change or amend the existing zoning. A zoning by-law amendment is a by-law passed by the Township and is a public process.

It is recommended that applicants retain a planning consultant prior to submitting a zoning by-law amendment application in order to meet the requirements of a complete application.

What is the Zoning By-law Amendment Process?

All applications must be submitted through our online platform, CloudPermit. More information can be found at the top of this page.

Application Fee

Application fees are listed in the User Fees and Charges By-law on the By-laws page.

(subject to third party cost recovery)

Supporting Information

Minor Variances

Before applying for a Minor Variance application it is recommended that applicant’s contact staff about our Pre-Consultation Meeting process to determine if a meeting is necessary.

What is a Minor Variance?

If your proposed change doesn’t conform exactly to the zoning by-law, but follows its general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. For example, you might want to locate something on your property, but you are unable to meet the minimum setback requirements because of the shape of your lot.

Minor Variance applications are considered by the Committee of Adjustment (also known in the Township of Puslinch as the Planning and Development Advisory Committee).

The Four Minor Variance Tests

When considering a minor variance application, the Committee will apply four tests, as outlined in the Planning Act, to determine if the minor variance should be approved:

  1. Is the application minor in nature?
  2. Is it desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure?
  3. Is it in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law?
  4. Is it in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Office Plan?

Types of Minor Variances

There are two types of minor variance applications: Type 1 and Type 2. Click each type for a list of what is included within each Type:

Minor Variance Type 1

  • Lot line setbacks for single family dwellings and accessory structures.
  • Height variances for single family dwellings and accessory structures.
  • Maximum size of accessory structure variances.
  • Maximum size of accessory unit variances.

Minor Variance Type 2

  • All other minor variances not listed under Type 1.

What is the Minor Variance Application Process?

All applications must be submitted through our online platform, CloudPermit. More information can be found at the top of this page.

Application Fee

Application fees are listed in the User Fees and Charges By-law on the By-laws page.

Supporting Information

Site Plan Control

Before applying for a Site Plan Control Application, applicant’s are strongly encouraged to apply for a Pre-Consultation Meeting through CloudPermit.

What is Site Plan Control?

A site plan approval application is required for commercial, industrial, and institutional development proposals to:

  • Construct a new building or structure;
  • Construct an addition to an existing building or structure; and/or,
  • Undertake major siteworks.

Site Plan Control is regulated by the Township’s Site Plan Control By-law.

Site Plan Application and Agreement

  • Site works associated with the change of use of an existing building;
  • Parking lot modifications, outdoor patios, landscape work and the placement of accessory building and structures;
  • Minor revisions or building additions to existing commercial, industrial or residential developments;
  • Requirement of technical studies (e.g. storm water management, geotechnical, hydrological, environmental impact assessment, etc.); and/or,
  • A new development or major additions/alterations to an existing development or site design.

What is the Site Plan Control Application Process?

All applications must be submitted through our online platform, CloudPermit. More information can be found at the top of this page.

Application Fee

Application fees are listed in the User Fees and Charges By-law on the By-laws page.

(subject to third party cost recovery)

Supporting Information

Important Planning Application Resources:

Municipal Development Standards

Prior to submitting Pre-Consultation Meeting Application it is essential applicants review the Township of Puslinch Municipal Development Standards, 2019.

The development standards with the Township’s regulatory by-laws act as a reference guide for each type of development request by outlining the process for development applications, submission requirements and establishes standards for design and construction throughout the Township. The guidelines and standards should be followed whenever possible and any deviations shall only be made through consultation with the Township.

Community Improvement Plan

In March 2016, the Township adopted a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Aberfoyle and Morriston corridor (referred to in the plan as “Our Corridor”), as well as the Brock Road mixed-use industrial area. The CIP supports the revitalization, beautification, renewal, and economic activity in the the Township’s urban corridor. The CIP is intended to serve as a long-term framework that will be implemented over the next fifteen years. Specifically, during this time it is anticipated that the CIP will:

  • Stimulate investment in privately owned land and building by providing financial assistance to property owners and tenants; and,
  • Focus municipal resources on programs, studies, and other initiatives that will contribute to the overall improvement of Our Corridor.

Property owners may be eligible to apply for grant funding for development projects with this corridor. Click here to learn more about the CIP and grant funding opportunities.

Other Township development permit and applications are available:

Site Alteration Permits

Name of Bylaw: Site Alteration

Number: 2023-057

Summary: A by-law to control the dumping of fill and alterations of grades. To apply for a permit for the importation or exportation of fill or to alter the grading of a property, otherwise known as a site alteration, please contact the By-law Department.

To view all active site alterations permits, please view the Map.

View By-law

Site Alteration Permit Application and Process (FAQ & Application Assessment)

By-law Complaint Form (Online)

Entrance Permits

What is an Entrance Permit?

An Entrance Permit is required to install or change an entrance onto private property off of a public road. The purpose of an Entrance Permit is to ensure safe access to and from the property, and to maintain existing drainage.

If the property is on a County-owned roadway a County Entrance Permit and approval is required.

If the property is on a Townline roadway, contact the Township Office to confirm which municipality is required to grant approval for the entrance permit.

Safe Access for Active Consent Applications

If safe access is required as a condition of an active consent application, a Safe Access Clearance is required.

Application Fee

Application fees are listed in the User Fees and Charges By-law on the By-laws page.

Application and Supporting Information

Radiocommunication Tower and Antenna Applications

The Township of Puslinch requires every Radiocommunication Tower and Antenna Applicant to submit for a Pre-Consultation Application in accordance with the Township’s 2023-003 Radiocommunication Tower and Antenna Protocol Policy.

Application and Supporting Information

For more information on the Radiocommunication Tower and Antenna Protocol Policy and Application, please visit the Radiocommunication Tower page.

Wellington County Interactive Zoning Map

The Township of Puslinch’s Comprehensive Zoning Map is available on the County of Wellington’s Explore Wellington Interactive Map.

Disclaimer: The information presented on this web page is provided for information purposes only. We strongly advise you speak with municipal staff and verify details with the approved consolidated document before making decisions related to real estate transactions, development proposals or building permits.

Content you access here is not necessarily an exact and/or current reproduction of official documents. For example, by-law revisions may be in progress or internet browser display capability may affect map presentation formats.

Need more information or have a question?

Contact staff by email or call 519-763-1226 ext. 4.

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