Active Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

Below are the Zoning By-law Amendment Applications that have been deemed complete by the Township. Once an application is deemed complete it becomes public information. If you would like to be notified regarding decisions related to any application below contact us at

For more information regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment Application process visit our Planning and Development page.

D14-AZI – 6706 Gore Rd

Subject Property

Front Part Lot 9; RP61R-7925 Part 3, Part of Part 2; Township of Puslinch

Meeting Dates

Planning and Development Advisory Meeting

May 14, 2024

Statutory Public Information Meeting

June 12, 2024

Council Meeting

Planning Report to recommend deeming application complete – May 1st 2024

Planning Recommendation Report regarding Zoning By-law Amendment – TBD*

Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar in accordance with the Township’s Procedural By-law.

All meetings are video and audio recorded and posted on the Township’s YouTube page.

Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend the Township of Puslinch
New Comprehensive Zoning By-law 23-2018 to rezone the lands from Agricultural (A) to Site Specific Agricultural (A-spXX) to permit a dog kennel and dog breeding operation.


D14-AUD – Part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Concession 8

Subject Property

Part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Concession 8

Meeting Dates

Planning and Development Advisory Meeting

May 10, 2022

Statutory Public Information Meeting

May 25, 2022

Council Meeting

County Recommendation Report regarding Official Plan Amendment – October 19, 2022

County Recommendation Report regarding Zoning By-law Amendment – TBD*

*The Official Plan Amendment with the County of Wellington must be approved prior to Council making a decision on the Zoning By-law Amendment.

Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar in accordance with the Township’s Procedural By-law.

All meetings are video and audio recorded and posted on the Township’s YouTube page.

Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application

The applicant is requesting to amend the the Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law #23-2018, as amended, to rezone the subject lands from Agricultural (A) Zone to a specified zone category (Rural Settlement Residential Zone (RSR) to establish a zone regulations specific to the proposed development.


The Township of Puslinch’s Comprehensive Zoning Map is available on the County of Wellington’s Explore Wellington Interactive Map.

Disclaimer: The information presented on this web page is provided for information purposes only. We strongly advise you speak with municipal staff and verify details with the approved consolidated document before making decisions related to real estate transactions, development proposals or building permits.

Content you access here is not necessarily an exact and/or current reproduction of official documents. For example, by-law revisions may be in progress or internet browser display capability may affect map presentation formats.