Active Minor Variance Applications

Below are the Minor Variance Applications that have been deemed complete by the Township. Once an application is deemed complete it becomes public information. If you would like to be notified regarding decisions related to any application below contact us at

For more information regarding the Minor Variance Application process visit our Planning and Development page.

D13-FRE- 29 Eagle Lane

Subject Property

29 Eagle Lane

Committee of Adjustment Date

May 14, 2024

Proposed Minor Variance

Requesting relief of New Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 23-2018, as amended,
from Section 12.4 and Section 4.17.1 to facilitate addition a deck to an existing
single detached dwelling.


D13-SAV – 10 Telfer Glen St

Subject Property

10 Telfer Glen St

Committee of Adjustment Date

May 14, 2024

Proposed Minor Variance

Requesting relief of New Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 23-2018, as amended,
from Section 4.2.a.i, to permit the total floor area of the additional residential
unit to be 138.47 m2 instead of 130 m2 as required in the Zoning By-law, and;

Requesting relief of New Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 23-2018, as amended,
from Section 4.2.c.iv.i, to permit an ancillary building to have a height of 5.4
meters instead of 5 meters as required in the Zoning By-law.
